Title of Art Piece: Time
Category: Painting – 2022
Student/Artist’s Name: Abigail Anderson
School: Petersburg High School
Grade: 12th
School: Petersburg High School
Grade: 12th
Artist Statement:
I’ve been studying hands for most of the school year. Direct observation drawing of hands and hands from images.
This painting is done on a foam poster board with acrylic paints. 9 hands are featured. I sketched out the composition while at work and then spent many evening hours working on this project as an extra project for class.
We are all tied to time. We have it, we lose it, we watch it, we want more of it. Time rules my life with school, class schedules, work and at home. The oval shape represents the shape of a mirror, some of the hands were studies of my own hands. So this is a reflection of my relationship with time.
Artwork Dimensions: 20″ x 15″