Title of Art Piece: Sentimental Still Life
Category: Drawing – 2022
Student/Artist’s Name: Paige Baggen
School: Wrangell High School
Grade: 11th
Artist Statement:

Sentimental Still Life (Drawing)

As a deeply sentimental person, I have spent my entire life accumulating a copious amount of stuff. My walls are covered in photographs, drawings, and birthday cards; my drawers are packed with childhood art projects, journals, and letters; and my windowsills are lined with books, figurines, and plants. As a result, I had no shortage of subjects when I began searching for something to draw. I rummaged through my room, picking out objects that represented my favorite memories, stories, and people. An onlooker probably finds little to no personal significance in the objects that I selected. However, to me, this image is a snapshot of all the memories that I have made with my friends throughout my life.

Artwork Dimensions: 9 Inches high x 12 Inches Wide