Title of Art Piece: Scarlet Embers
Category: Painting – 2022
Student/Artist’s Name: Jusse’ll Watkins-Robertson
School: West Anchorage High School
Grade: 9th
School: West Anchorage High School
Grade: 9th
Artist Statement:
My piece shows a warm background with a dragon on top. It was created using tempera paints. I started by picking a non-objective background, then chose the dragon as a subject because it went well with the background. The dragon represents my anger. When I’m angry, I tend to typically explode, which I know is a bad thing and I’m trying to improve. My art helps me express myself when I feel like I can’t do a good job expressing my emotions, and it’s something that I’ve loved ever since I was younger. I am hoping to take painting again next year to grow my knowledge of different types of painting and would like to potentially go to art school in the future.
Artwork Dimensions: 18 inches high x 17 1/2 inches wide