Title of Art Piece: Arya by Nigo Ft. A$AP Rocky
Category: Communication Arts / Graphic Design – 2022
Student/Artist’s Name: Vanessa Casalamitao
School: West Anchorage High School
Grade: 12th
School: West Anchorage High School
Grade: 12th
Artist Statement:
The moment I heard this song I instantly saw this image of a vibrant baby blue convertible sitting by the shore while the luxurious beats produced by Nigo reminded me of luxurious gear. A couple weeks later the assignment for Multimedia Design was to illustrate a piece that best represents the lyrics of any type of literature. My inspirations for my pieces of any medium come from sparking up one of my five senses. For this piece hearing sparked my creative abilities. My style is a combination of streetwear, high fashion, music. I want my style to achieve career status and I feel like my art further proves what I want to be known for.
Artwork Dimensions: 8 inches high x 10 inches wide